Well, as expected "titties" are winning by a firm, supple margin.
I have not gone 2,000 posts without a play or insight on same. The "no plays" idea of me is actually mistaken; in fact I recently started posting plays again and am so far up in four sports (in all fairness, it has only been a week, and overall my handicapping sucks about as hard as your attempts at witty responses. Not quite, but close.)
Who the fvck are you again? Oh right; the flooding retard from Offshore, the one who is for some reason allowed to bait other posters in sports fora despite this being grounds for banishment or RR confinement for others. The only thing that sucks harder than Henny's attempt at witty responses must surely be that sweet, sweet mouth of yours. Tell me, how do you chug cock and type at the same time? You sure as hell have never let up post-whoring for the time it would take any healthy man to acheive orgasm ...
What ever happened with you leaving that time? Oh right; you stayed gone all of 24 hours, maybe 48, then were right back at it. Shame you couldn't have somehow made that stick.